Date: Sun, 14 Aug 2011 22:23:40 -0400 From: Gene Galin Subject: Last Week’s Hottest Bulletin Board Topics 1. Rude bikers create road rage…and I clapped.  (Read 5607 times) at,23295.0.html 2. Chatham poultry industry workers lose jobs thanks to environmental extremists  (Read 4204 times) at,23381.0.html 3. General Store CafeContinue Reading

Date: Sun, 14 Aug 2011 11:23:04 -0400 From: nabooko Subject: Suicide and Baby Snakes Last week I posted about finding a baby snake, wondering if it was poisonous, etc. I received at least 45 personal emails and at least 15 posts were made directly to the Chatlist. Many warned meContinue Reading

Date: Thu, 11 Aug 2011 05:58:53 GMT From: Jackie Strouble Subject: Baby snakes NA Booko Thanks for the update and the great picture of the baby snake! She is so beautiful! You are so lucky! Your snakes are definitely NOT copperheads. Copperheads don’t lay eggs, they give birth to liveContinue Reading