I understand the frustration of Mr. Ernst. He has served his community on a number of public boards, run for office, although not successfully, and puts a finger on the imbalance of our tax base as well as the attenuation of our manufacturing sector. Some of these problems are relatedContinue Reading

little boy blowing a whistle

I read the last post from GOP activist Bill Crawford with interest. From my understanding the tax paying residents of District 1, Karen Howard, actually pay more to Chatham County in taxes every year than the combined total for the western districts of 4 and 5. I believe even DistrictContinue Reading

Date: Thu, 27 Feb 2020 11:13:41 -0600 (GMT-06:00) From: Bill Crawford Subject: GOP position on tax revenue Virginia Penley has been trying to portray the Chatham GOP as “fixated on stopping any efforts to provide alternative revenue sources”. This is bunk, and it doesn’t take much effort to look backContinue Reading

Date: Sun, 1 Mar 2020 14:58:45 -0500 From: Raymond Gastwaite Subject: Disingenuous Dis.in.gen.u.os: giving a false appearance of simple frankness. Calculating. See also Virginia Penley Virginia: the discussion is about the Chatham County Board of Commissioners asking for more of Chatham County resident’s money. It is not about previous taxes,Continue Reading