Using the vegetable oil or Pam means yellowjackets will stay away from your hummingbird feeder

Date: Mon, 1 Aug 2011 09:35:54 -0400
From: Anne Flannery
Subject: hummingbird feeders and yellow jackets

I always used to turn the hot water on at the sink BEFORE carrying the hummingbird feeder inside. I tapped the feeder with a fly swatter to make sure any who could escape OUTSIDE could. Then I QUICKLY carried the feeder to the sink and stuck it under the hot water, making sure the stream was running inside one of the holes for at least 2 minutes.

Any yellow jackets who were still in the feeder, unfortunately, died. I do this because I too had a couple of bees escape INSIDE the house one time and one stung my cat. Since I have been using the oil, I use vegetable oil in a spray bottle and not Pam, I have had NO yellow jackets or other insects attracted to or IN the feeder. Using the vegetable oil or Pam means not having to spend additional money on your feeder.

But each person is free to choose which ever method is most comfortable for them. I’m happy that I am no longer the cause of any yellow jackets being killed! Anne   Date: Sun, 31 Jul 2011 11:59:34 -0400