Date: Tue, 3 Jun 2008 06:36:00 -0400 From: Karen E Tiede Subject: How can you get fat at Hardees? Fast-food pit of despair–sucking the money out of our town and making us all fat! Been my experience that a body could starve to death waiting on a meal at Hardee’s.Continue Reading

Date: Fri, 27 Jun 2008 15:31:37 -0400 From: Patricia Barner Subject: Patricia Barner Has Moved I’ve been told that some of you apparently haven’t received my letter indicating my move into a new office. I’m really sorry. If you didn’t get my mailing and missed the wonderful article in theContinue Reading

Date: Fri, 27 Jun 2008 15:00:42 -0400 From: Rita Marley-McKenzie Subject: Thank You COA I want to personally and publicly thank Council on Aging for all they have done for my husband’s uncle, Byron Jones. They have provided Meals On Wheels services along with case management. They have greeted andContinue Reading

Date: Thu, 26 Jun 2008 17:26:25 -0700 (PDT) From: BridgeBuilder Outlaw Subject: Mark Stinson, Weed Killer and Cat Litter …… that’s a combo  lol To Mark: Thank you for sharing your progress and ideas.  I hope you continue to do so – it’s so refreshing and wonderful to watch (read)Continue Reading

Date: Thu, 26 Jun 2008 18:22:40 -0400 From: Sue Merris Subject: deer repellent I haven’t tried this yet but am getting ready to use it tonight or tomorrow AM.  It is a recipe for deer repellent a friend gave me and she swears it works.  It is not that expensiveContinue Reading

Date: Thu, 26 Jun 2008 17:58:59 -0400 From: Allison Weakley Subject: 2008 Paddle Tourism Survey For those interested in paddling in NC (and beyond!), and Chatham in particular, please consider participating in the 2008 Paddle Tourism Survey!  See below a message from NC State Trails Program.  And please pass along!Continue Reading

Date: Thu, 26 Jun 2008 15:13:27 EDT From: Vicki Brannon Subject: Briar Chapel deer Get a couple of good Australian sheep dogs, or hounds, or any good outside dog. They will chase the deer away. Beside, they make good pets, and with a good dog house, can survive our mildContinue Reading