Strange encounter with a rather large angry woman

Date: Fri, 30 May 2008 16:48:49 -0400
From: Dan Cahoon
Subject: Now for something happy

Recently I had a strange encounter with a rather large angry woman at the local Subway. She came storming in, demanding that they make her sandwich over because it had mayonaise on it and she doesn’t eat
mayonnaise. (how is mayo spelled?). The staff assured her they would make her another sandwich with out the hated mayo but she kept on railing and grousing and generally giving it hard to the folks behind the counter.

For their part they seemed to take it in stride, continuing to make sandwiches for the other patrons and moving the line along. Still, she went on.

I did the unthinkable, I asked her to give the guys a break and calm down. I said it in a nice way and even tried to talk kindly to her when she turned on me. Apparently this chatlist has made me famous. She blasted me with all kinds of names and implications (they were all true, but I didn’t tell her that). I just laughed and began to extol the virtues of kindness and compassion for people who work for minimum wage and always make a good sandwich. I did this with my stage voice.

I praised the staff and complimented them on their aplomb in the face of dire ire. All the time I am doing this the big woman with the screechy voice was castigating me for my social and political views. She even cast dispersions upon my mother (all true, but I didn’t tell her that).

I got my sandwich and started out the door, but I couldn’t resist saying to her “namaste”. That got her really mad and and as I was walking out she let out a string of obscenity, calling me things that are morally repugnant and some that are downright physically impossible.

I did turn around at that point. I have tried to be good lately and keep my ire inside. But I felt it rise and walked back in to give a taste of a real cussing, then I stopped and just told her that her behavior was unacceptable and that she should not use those words in public (I am a teacher after all). She turned purple with rage and got up into my face (not too close, her stomach kept her a good 3 feet away). I had no intention of violence (I’M A TEACHER!) but this skinny kid thought it looked rough and he guided me outside.

I am grateful to that kid. He knew how to handle that situation.

It was unsettling but it made me think of the time when I have stormed in over some supposed mistake at a restaurant or store and “demanded” better service. It made me wonder if that is the way I looked when I did that.

I also thought about the kids behind the counter. They live in PBO. They are local. The chain may be national,  but this store feeds us and provides income for these individuals. They are efficient and pleasant and a true asset to our town.

The large lady who was so rude is also local, but sadly is a liability in a setting where people want to appreciate the genuine kindness that PBO offers to everyone. It is why I moved here. Every store I visited while searching for land was a pleasure. Every person was kind and welcoming. I am glad I didn’t meet that woman. I might have run far away.

So go buy a Subway sandwich. Tell them Dan sent you. Then thank them for their excellent service.

Dan Cahoon
Moncure, NC 27559
