Help box turtles cross the road

This morning on 87 and Silk Hope, I saw a blue pickup with a trailer hit a box turtle trying to cross the road. If you can safely stop and pick the box turtle up to move it to the other side, that would respect nature. Big pickups have thatContinue Reading

Going from here to there

 I know a lot of folks who read the Chatlist have moved from somewhere else to here. I have been in the same place almost 58 years on the same property.  In the last few years I have watched my elders slowly pass away and now I have almost no one left inContinue Reading

Took my puppy for another training session on Tuesday. He’s doing well. I’m learning that I need to be repetitive with him. I’m learning that I need to be repetitive with him. At this last session I brought up what to do with my puppy on days it’s too rainyContinue Reading

Date: Fri, 20 Mar 2020 14:45:08 -0400 From: Stephanie Gee <> Subject: Free Wi-Fi Drive-In Available to those who don’t have access in Silk Hope Community In an effort to help the school children who don’t have access to the internet at home to do their school work, a FreeContinue Reading

Date: Wed, 12 Jun 2019 17:21:37 -0400 From: Chatham NC GOP <> Subject: BBQ Dinner on June 29 The Chatham County Republican Party is holding a Meet the 2020 Candidates and fellow Chatham County Republican Volunteers BBQ dinner at the Silk Hope Ruritan Club building on June 29th from 5Continue Reading

Date: Mon, 18 Feb 2019 23:02:42 -0500 From: “John Dykers M.D.” <> Subject: Re: Recovery Thanks. I have a place to stay and State Farm and Walter Ciucevich and  staff have been helpful and pleasant. Walter was there as fast as the  fire engines,  I had to laugh when heContinue Reading

Date: Sun, 6 Jan 2019 22:53:16 -0500From: Mark Stinson Subject: Making progress Shrinking Several dropped me a line asking how I was doing on my diet .  I managed to get through the holidays and enjoy the food without going backwards . I wanted to see 259 lbs by decContinue Reading