Mark is making progress shrinking

Date: Sun, 6 Jan 2019 22:53:16 -0500
From: Mark Stinson
Subject: Making progress Shrinking

Several dropped me a line asking how I was doing on my diet .  I managed to get through the holidays and enjoy the food without going backwards . I wanted to see 259 lbs by dec 31st ,, I made it on Jan 2nd !   I’m floating around 258 now aiming for the 240s in February .  My back hurts less and I feel better with almost 24 pounds of me gone .  I still cant exercise or walk like I need to too accelerate the weight loss process but I’m ok with that for now .  If I can make it to the 240s I will be in a weight range I haven’t been in literally decades .

I want to encourage anyone who is fighting the bulging belly syndrome to hang in there . It may seem impossible but If I can loose it  ,, anyone can

Goodnite Mark 🙂