As a taxpayer you donate to this official “Chatham 250” event, sponsored by Director Zelek and our County Health Dept (CCPHD): So, come enjoy “free” stuff, music and maybe lunch!  At the County fairgrounds.  Email me to co-attend.  See Chatlist #7005, CCPHD and CORE are partners in fingering white Privilege.o  CCPHD:Continue Reading

Chatham Chatlist selling experiences

 >>Would anyone be willing to share their experiences selling things on the chatlist. >>I’d like to know how you make safe transactions. Where do you meet? >>I don’t want strangers coming to my home. Do you take someone with you? >>Is it cash only or do you accept checks, etc. Anything you could add to the conversationContinue Reading

Chatham Fuel Depo

Kara Dudley Thanks for confirming County has a fuel depo facility and the conservation internally to county use and advice for county residents. Could our County check in with Meals on Wheels programs volunteers if they need fuel to deliver meals and social contact with our seniors and others withContinue Reading

No one wants to see that happen in Chatham County

In reply to “  5. Liz Culligan’s Interesting Response  “ I would tend to agree with Bill assertation  that Ms Culligan’s has some interesting responses, like taxes and homeowner’s insurance premiums NOT going to go up. Although my actual tax bill would disagree with Miss Culligan. As far as taxesContinue Reading