Chatham Fuel Depo

Chatham Fuel Depo

Kara Dudley

Thanks for confirming County has a fuel depo facility and the conservation internally to county use and advice for county residents.

Could our County check in with Meals on Wheels programs volunteers if they need fuel to deliver meals and social contact with our seniors and others with disabilities.

Mixing governments, could you check in call to the USPS about providing some gas to our Mail Carriers as our Hadley district USPS carrier said he only found premium Tuesday, and was concerned on refueling the vehicle he uses at our sold out private retail gas stations. CV checks and Soc Security checks and other mail items are very important to county residents. Thanks Don

Don Wollum
Pittsboro, NC 27312

Date: Thu, 13 May 2021 11:20:11 -0400
From: “Don Wollum”
Subject: Chatham Fuel Depo