Date: Tue, 28 Jun 2011 05:55:33 -0400 From: Lee – Computer Therapy, Inc Subject: looking for bass player with vocal abilities Looking for a bass player. needs to be able to carry a tune vocally.including harmony. primarily old and new country style, some more modern pop-ish . . . forContinue Reading

Date: Mon, 27 Jun 2011 11:48:51 -0400 From: Richard D. Allen, Esq. Subject: Re: Apotheosis The meaning of Mr. Voller’s statement is clear from context, but I wonder if he meant to say “epiphany.” Apothepologetically, Richard D. AllenContinue Reading

Date: Mon, 27 Jun 2011 08:19:07 -0400 From: Mia Munn Subject: school funding On Mr. Manning’s question and Chathammatter’s response. School funding for current expense (excluding capital) comes from 3 sources. For 2011-12, about 55% comes from the state, about 38% from the county, and about 5% from the federalContinue Reading