Part 1 (Chatlist #6876) presented the Science and moral case againstnon-household Dating, Sex, and Promiscuity: Atop 3 Ws violations, the Science of viruses and sexual contact reveals more peril: Via Zachary Horner, our Health Dept (CCPHD) warns here to heed the 3 Ws, and to avoid hugs, handshakes, elbow bumps,Continue Reading

My primary care doctor is at Duke. I wrote and asked about availability as I am in phase 1b. The response I got basically says … ‘we don’t know’. Here is what they wrote me: “At this time we do not have a distribution plan that has reached the localContinue Reading

Unaddressed Chatham COVID-19 Health Risks

Not seen yet for all the covid 19 health Risks is the warning to not pick your nose especially when shopping, driving, or been 5 minutes since thorough hand washing.  This is not Jerry Seinfeld comedy where he was caught socially picking his bore driving. Credit card key pads andContinue Reading

Masks May Lower, or Raise, Coronavirus Infection Risk

The first randomized controlled trial1,2 to assess the effectiveness of surgical face masks against SARS-CoV-2 infection  specifically — which journals initially refused to publish — is finally seeing the light of day. The so-called “Danmask-19 Trial,” published November 18, 2020, in the Annals of Internal Medicine,3 included 3,030 individuals assignedContinue Reading

Part 1 of 3.   (In Part 2 how to remediate these unaddressed risks.) Measured applause to citizens and our Health Dept (CCPHD) on COVID.  But we can do better – let Health Director Zelek () know. Curbing COVID is a moral struggle, pitting the common good against selfishness.  As health conduct cannot be forced, healthContinue Reading

Mask Nazis Redux

It’s sad, but not surprising, that wearing masks indoors, in public, is still controversial.  Last spring, there was heated debate on this site about the efficacy of masks.  Since then, SCIENCE has shown that masks, along with distancing and handwashing, to be THE MOST EFFECTIVE means of slowing the spreadContinue Reading Facts (as of 12/5/2020):o  COVID affects Hispanic Countians disproportionately.o  777+ Hispanic Countians are COVID positive. o  Half (1211 of 2423) of County COVID positives are in the 27344 zip code.o  Siler City & outskirts dominate 27344.o  Siler is half Hispanic. What do the facts indicate?  That COVID spread rateContinue Reading

New Health Crisis (Part 1): Cannot beat them? Join them!!

First in a series to proclaim and strangely, also celebrate the 2nd County Health CRISIS.  The 1st Crisis COVID-19 is nothing to celebrate, though mandatory masks, lockdowns, and quarantining under Harris/Biden will muzzle a disturbingly large number of red hatted loudies (wink). The 2nd CRISIS is Structural Racism, a healthContinue Reading

See Page 7 of this recent County Health Report: See the “source” graph it was CHOPPED out of: Notice anything? Black students were INTENTIONALLY deleted from the original US Government supplied YRBS graph. Black students have better health data.  Meaning Black families are doing a nice job bringing up well adjustedContinue Reading

Tai Chi for arthritis on Monday and Wednesdays at 9 am

Announcing:Tai Chi for ArthritisMonday, and Wednesdays at 9 amStarting October 12, 2020Improve movement, balance, strength, flexibility, and relaxation. Decreasepain and falls. Register at: Liz Lati for more information: liz.lati@chathamcoaAlan RussoMeal Site ManagerChatham County Council on AgingPittsboro, NC 27312(919)542-4512 Website; www.chathamcouncilonaging.orgWellness Blog: Us On Facebook: Date: Wed, 7 Oct 2020 14:44:40 -0400From:Continue Reading

CHATHAM COUNTY, N.C. — On the 19th anniversary of that fateful, tragic day, three local 9/11 first responders gathered in front of the Chatham County 9/11 Memorial to talk about their experiences almost two decades later. Date: Sat, 12 Sep 2020 13:36:02 -0400From: Gene Galin Subject: 9/11 First RespondersContinue Reading

Billy and Joanne’s deaths

Both were asymptomatic when Billy fell and was hospitalized at the beach. I don’t know which beach or which hospital first tested him and then Joanne Positive. Both died of Covid respiratory failure. Wish I had more precise details. You are very correct about asymptomatic persons often being Covid positiveContinue Reading