Unaddressed Chatham COVID-19 Health Risks: Dating, Sex, and Promiscuity

Part 1 of 3.   (In Part 2 how to remediate these unaddressed risks.)

Measured applause to citizens and our Health Dept (CCPHD) on COVID.  But we can do better – let Health Director Zelek () know.

Curbing COVID is a moral struggle, pitting the common good against selfishness.  As health conduct cannot be forced, health experts expound the moral case for selfless behaviors: “I protect you. You protect me.”  Responsible citizens conform.  They counsel and critique one another, citing the moral imperative.  The selfish balk, requiring mandates and enforcement.

CCPHD advocates many COVID behavior modifications ensconced in the 3 Ws:
o  Wear a face covering  /  Wait 6 feet apart  /  Wash hands well
o  Minimize gestures that promote close contact
o  Don’t shake hands, do elbow bumps, or give hugs
o  Household-only holidays 

And similar.  You know the drill.  But there is compelling reason to warn fastidiously on Dating, Sex, and Promiscuity.  The Science is clear – consider kissing and sex.
Kissing violates 2 Ws:
o  zero distance
o  direct aerosol and droplet exchange

o  prolonged zero distance
o  massive direct aerosol and droplet exchange
o  unsanitary hands

“I protect you. You protect me.” The moral case against non-household Dating, Sex, and especially Promiscuity is unassailable.  Furthermore participants in these hazardous activities TRUST partners to be safe – a paradox – trusting partners who willfully break protocols and risk public health.  Given asymptomatic COVID, a dangerous bet and blatant hazard ( Dr. Birx: https://bestlifeonline.com/spread-covid ). And for what – selfish individualistic behavior.  A gram of vigilance is worth a kilogram of cure – there is no cure.  300,000+ irreplaceable lives gone.

These behaviors are life threatening, especially given the coming “Dark Days” of COVID.  With new strains emerging and no evidence the vaccinated can’t spread, we must act.

Merry Christmas – and be safe! (  https://bestlifeonline.com/safe-christmas-party-covid )

From: Douglas Sedlak
Sent: Wednesday, December 23, 2020, 10:26:18 PM EST
Subject: Unaddressed Chatham COVID-19 Health Risks: Dating, Sex, and Promiscuity