Mower batteries don’t last long

Well, things are SURE going down hill in product quality . New battery for mower last year. Went to start early this year battery dead. Took it back to place of purchase to learn mower batties are not suppose to last more than 90 days……HUH!!!!!!Yep, mower batties are only availableContinue Reading

“Chemical dumping” & “horrendous temperatures” attributed it to mysterious “they”

From: Ed Beroset Sent: Monday, June 13, 2022 at 09:30:00 AM EDTSubject: Sky A recent chatlist post was lamenting “chemical dumping” and “horrendous temperatures” and attributed it to the mysterious “they”. In fact, as the most recent Chatham County Greenhouse Gas Inventory (see ) showed, it’s not “they” but “us”.Continue Reading

Sky was coated with chemical dumping

I walked out to the pasture late noon and the sky was coated with chemical dumping.There were lines just being dumped and others that had already spreading, coating the sky from horizon to horizon with a grey milky cast.This crap has been magnifying the suns heat and rays. In theContinue Reading