Sky was coated with chemical dumping

Sky was coated with chemical dumping

I walked out to the pasture late noon and the sky was coated with chemical dumping.
There were lines just being dumped and others that had already spreading, coating the sky from horizon to horizon with a grey milky cast.
This crap has been magnifying the suns heat and rays. In the last few days I never saw so much being dumped above out heads.
You can no longer smell the fresh air after a rain or the wet grass smell

Is this the opening for the horrendous temperatures heading our way. I for one believe it to be true.

They have done this all across our country. Trees are getting dry and brittle. Our land is drying up and our crops and food animals will be affected.

We have to say STOP.
Call your county, state and federal ,groups  who are suppose to be we the people, and  tell them to stop this chemical dumping.

We USE to have normal dark blue skies.when normal clouds crossed the sun, relief was felt from the suns rays and heat Our trees when in full foliage ,use to hide all the twigs , branches and trunks. Not any more.
Because of this chemical dumping , they are drying out and dying.

I see signs saying thank you Jesus all along the road sides.
Maybe we could thank HIM by taking care of what HIS FATHER gave us

From: carole henry
Sent: Sunday, June 12, 2022 at 08:41:18 PM EDT
Subject: Sky