Interesting post by Duck Decoy regarding Pittsboro Town Commissioner Michael Fiocco.

The Unified Development Ordinance (“UDO”), is a very lengthy and complicated document. According to the Town of Pittsboro’s website, the process began in April of 2015, shortly before Cindy Perry began serving as Mayor for four years, and passed in May 2021 during Mayor Jim Nass’ term. The document needed to be as accurate as possible and Commissioner Fiocco, who works as a professional planner, spent many hours studying the document, imagining scenarios, and seeking input from citizens that he carried forward. When the UDO was passed, Commissioner Fiocco urged the Town staff to revisit the document regularly and tweak it on an ongoing basis. These sound like the actions of someone who cares about Pittsboro. Additionally, one person on a 5-person board (plus the Mayor and staff) isn’t solely responsible for the progress of a single document, especially one as critically important as a UDO.
I have served with Commissioner Fiocco on committees for many years and have observed him in many Town Board meetings. He comes to meetings prepared. He reads the minutes and shares his redlined edits to make the record more accurate. He also reviews the agenda and supporting documents in advance. Commissioner Fiocco always offers questions and thoughts on agenda items throughout the meeting and shares updates regarding the meetings he’s attended. His preparation, participation, and careful consideration of facts is a model for an engaged, critical thinking leader.
[You might think being prepared for a regularly scheduled municipal meeting is a low bar by which to judge a candidate but I’ve been shocked to hear some board members at Town Board meetings say they hadn’t read the meeting materials, were unprepared to vote, and/or had no input or updates on the work they were elected to do.]
The projects Duck Decoy mentioned, whether people liked them or not, were allowed at the time per the zoning laws. To block projects that are acceptable and legal uses of zoning laws leads to lawsuits which cost the town (and taxpayers) money and time — like the Eagles project did. And there’s no guarantee that the project gets stopped. Just like the Eagles project wasn’t stopped.
Some voters may not like his decisions or votes but I appreciate Commissioner Michael Fiocco’s careful consideration of issues and his strong moral compass regarding the law. Further, Fiocco has not and will not vote on a project that he has a stake in. That’s what recusals are for.
Fiocco is an engaged, thoughtful leader with knowledge and experience. Vote to re-elect Commissioner Michael Fiocco to the Pittsboro Town Board.
Lesley L. Landis
Date: Mon, 25 Oct 2021 16:32:18 -0400
From: Lesley Landis
Subject: Fiocco an engaged, critical thinking leader