Hello GOP, Here is a friendly question for you after reading the platform you posted to the chatlist: Right now the GOP in Raleigh is 100% responsible for keeping Chatham Residents from quality fiber based internet by first passing a law keeping local government from running their own networks andContinue Reading

Why all the dead finches?

Several Chatham Chatlist members posted this morning about the query concerning the amount of dead finches spotted – Date: Tue, 30 Mar 2021 12:34:24 +0000 (UTC)From: Audrey Joy Subject: dead birds Although I personally have not found any dead birds, there does seem to be an outbreak of salmonellosis inContinue Reading

Shout Out to the Bible Donors

Just wanted to say “Thank You” to everyone who responded & supported the request of bibles for inmates.  Thank you even more to those who assumed the cost of shipping and to those who arranged for pickup services.. You, who have supported this call, please know that we are soContinue Reading