Social Security calls / Medicare calls / Warranty calls

Social Security calls / Medicare calls / Warranty calls

I get at least 1 if not 2 every day  that my card was used in Texas and an agent is ready to help me resolve., all in a pre-recorded  “bully” type call.

I called the SS office and they said. it is a scam and if evar issue they would always contact  by  *MAIL 1st..*
They use ROBO numbers from 704 ( where I lived prior) that  are not good, so I block them after the fact.  Yesterday the call came from Washington DC. THese folks are out to cheat you plain and simple…DO NOT CALL THEM!!!!!!!!!!!!!.

I  also get the ROBO calls regarding Medicare  and  am I in pain, THEY  can help, another scam and they are all of a foreign speaking tongue. Then there are the  car warranty folks…. ALL OUT TO SCAM US  plain and simple,, beware out there

Date: Tue, 9 Feb 2021 10:47:36 -0500
From: Mark Herboth
Subject: social security calls/Medicare calls/warranty calls