Taxed more than enough in Chatham County

In the chatlist #6633, Virginia Penley drones on about wanting more and more revenue for the govt. calling taxation a mechanism for growth that will pay for itself.  Joseph Goebbels would have been proud at that one because it is one serious line of propaganda from the Democrat Party Politburo. Yes, I said it, Democrat party, which is the polite word for it used in public conversation. So now all the liberal snowflakes can quit reading and go have a sad in their safe space.

She then continues to whine about how people rejected the idea that they should be taxed on real estate transactions, and thank God they did.  She claims that the increased sales tax will just put us in line with neighboring counties. To which I say so what. .

I know that we have been taxed more than enough in this county. In fact way too much to where we should go on a mass revolt and refuse to pay it and starve the beast.  For that matter, the county budget should not be up to commissioners to arbitrarily set and then demand the people pay for their whims and wishes but rather put before the voters. No on the sales tax. No on property taxes. No on taxes period. We don’t want more of your damned government, we have too much of it already and it has a penchant for sticking it’s nose in people’s business where it has no business.  While your at it, kindly keep your evaluators off my property and away from my part of the county.  They’re not wanted. They’re not welcome.

You see, there is an inherent problem with Socialism, which has become the flag of the Democrat party these days, in that eventually you run out of other people’s money to spend.

One thing is for certain.  The Democrats must go. Kick them all the way back to Chapel Hill and make them stay there.

Date: Wed, 26 Feb 2020 09:14:14 -0500
Subject: Re: Virginia Penley’s revenue options