I just had my smart meter installed and I see obvious advantages.  No longer does someone have to come to read my meter and find my gate locked.  Duke Energy will be able to tell if I have lossed power and if it has been restored.  I am supposed toContinue Reading

Alright, let’s deconstruct things logically here. This won’t get into the technical side of things, much — I’m going to hold off on that part, for now. I would like to see how this particular breakdown of things works out before I get into the heavy stuff. Nothing personal —Continue Reading

The 2019 Biennial Citizen Satisfaction Survey is in, and can be viewed at: https://chathamnc.org/home/showdocument?id=47329 Most of the questions involve different departments, where the staff are experienced professionals and they have been graded accordingly. The striking part is that the lowest grades all involve the County leadership. The three categories thatContinue Reading

I noticed at the end of Christopher Havel’s post regarding his mom’s electric bill that he mentioned “smart meters”. A few weeks ago while I was at the grocery store I got a notification on my phone. It was from my security camera telling me that someone was at myContinue Reading

I can’t remember how many years ago I last traded cars, but it must have  been six .  I traded a van for a van and more or less expected the same  car. Not so. I traded a 1987 Dodge Caravan for a 1994 Dodge Grand Caravan.  It took meContinue Reading

Wanted to add my voice… I currently live in a small apartment in the middle of Siler, since Mom and I don’t really see eye-to-eye anymore and that has caused, er, problems… *that* part is not something I want to discuss publicly, though. She lives about a mile and aContinue Reading

Many years ago, in my country antiques shop, I had beautiful red carpets. Incredible old pine furniture and accessories. One day a lady stopped in to look. She spied a crude three gallon pottery jug on the floor. Picked it up, slammed it down on the top of an oldContinue Reading