Duke power had installed a smart meter!

I noticed at the end of Christopher Havel’s post regarding his mom’s electric bill that he mentioned “smart meters”.

A few weeks ago while I was at the grocery store I got a notification on my phone. It was from my security camera telling me that someone was at my house. There was a white truck in the driveway. When I got home I found a notice on my front porch that Duke power had installed a smart meter! For various reasons I didn’t want a smart meter!! I wasn’t informed that they were coming to install it, they just showed up. I’m glad the dogs were in the house, and not in my fenced yard where they had to go to install the new meter.

So apparently we have no choice in the matter. They could have at least informed me that they were coming! To say I was angry is an understatement.

I was wondering if anyone else has also had one installed, and if it’s an option not to get one.

Date: Thu, 16 Jan 2020 17:26:23 +0000 (UTC)
From: dwight or susan dixon
Subject: Duke “Smart Meters”