Lowest grades on Chatham’s Citizen Satisfaction survey all involve County leadership

The 2019 Biennial Citizen Satisfaction Survey is in, and can be viewed at:


Most of the questions involve different departments, where the staff are experienced professionals and they have been graded accordingly.

The striking part is that the lowest grades all involve the County leadership. The three categories that received the lowest grades (all C+) were:

1) Welcomes citizen feedback
2) Generally trusted to do the right thing
3) Provides good value for taxes spent

This is a report card on the four Democrats who make up the decision making majority of our Board of Commissioners. The ones who keep raising taxes on all of you and make decisions while ignoring large amounts of the Chatham population who have openly and publicly announced their displeasure.

Two of them are up for re-election this November. You can do something about this. The Republicans are running three candidates for Commissioner- Andy Wilkie, Jay Stobbs and Jimmy Pharr. Vote for all three and you will get a majority that listens to everybody when they govern. Stop the tax increases. End the arrogance. Let’s take our county back!

Bill Crawford

Date: Fri, 17 Jan 2020 10:21:16 -0500 (GMT-05:00)
From: Bill Crawford
Subject: Biennial County Government Survey