Date: Mon, 25 Aug 2014 15:50:06 -0400 From: Carol Newnam Subject: Fall Flower Fundraiser for Friends of CORA Garden Friends of CORA Garden is a garden in Chatham County that raises produce for the CORA Food Pantry. We are conducting a fundraiser to raise money for *our garden and forContinue Reading

Date: Mon, 25 Aug 2014 11:10:15 -0400 From: “” Subject: There’s still room in Hogan’s fall poetry class in Pittsboro “Read, Then Write Poetry” with Judy Hogan. Mondays, Sept 8-Nov 10, 2014. 7-9 PM. Ten Weeks. Bio-Fuels Kitchen, Pittsboro. Poets at every stage of their writing career are welcome. WeContinue Reading

Date: Mon, 25 Aug 2014 11:20:18 -0400 From: “” Subject: PBO 1st Sunday Artisan Fair on 9.7.14 Hi Chatlisters, We’re gearing up for your September PBO First Sunday Artisan Fair and want to invite you to join us from 12pm-4pm on 9.7.2014! Lots of great live music, artisans, kids activities,Continue Reading