The buyers who are planning Chatham Park KNEW the zoning etc. before purchasing the land

Date: Sun, 15 Dec 2013 18:16:06 -0500
From: carole henry
Subject: chatham Park

I would think that future home buyers  looking at home in Chatham Parkshould ask a few questions before buying.

Like where is the water coming from.  Do they know that Pittsboro water is carcinogenic

Would the mineral rights under their homes be included in the sale of their homes.

Because of one alert home buyer, it was found that  in one new development in NC the mineral rights had not been included with the purchase of the homes.   Funny that the developer was from Texas and connected with gas development which…….gee isn’t that connected to fracking?  the new method that trespasses onto other properties and isn’t that where if most of your neighbors go in for fracking you get it even if you want it or not.  What was the American dream. You were King of your castle   That the rich could not take over your property against your will.  Hmmmm didn’t the American people foot the bill for the development of the new method of fracking?  Are they getting pay back for it?

Is not the above part of who, what, why, where and when.

I heard an interesting story of a woman who fought a rather large corporation who tried to take away her land to build a big plant and housing development.   Her property had been in her family for generations.  She fought the local politicians and a large corp. and WON.

The buyers who are planning Chatham Park KNEW the zoning etc. before purchasing the land.  Or did they assume it would be an easy thing to get what they wanted. I wonder who they talked to pre purchase.