A lovely day in Rock Ridge Park on Old Sanford Road

Date: Sun, 15 Dec 2013 23:54:19 -0500
From: Randolph Voller
Subject: A lovely day in Rock Ridge Park

Today my wife Lesley and I took a trip south of town to visit Rock Ridge Park<http://pittsboronc.gov/index.asp?Type=B_BASIC&SEC={D5AFA5A0-6836-4ED3-AA9C-DF9F07D3DC9C}&DE={8C8D5A17-E29B-4391-B227-E8F029A37BCF}> located on Old Sanford Road. As we strolled around the lovely park with our two chocolate labs, Cocoa and Karma, we noticed how much care the Town and its staff has put into the design of the park and the implementation of the plan.

The casual stroll reminded me of the presentations from the Town’s Parks Planner, Paul Horne, in which he explained the potential value of the new disc golf course and its award winning designer.

I tested Paul’s hypothesis today and found it to be true: nearly all of the disc golfers I spoke to were visiting Pittsboro and Chatham County from all over the state and enjoying the park.

Kudos to Paul, the Rec Board and to the Town.

The Park is beautiful and its amenities are attracting people to visit our community.

Policy. Process. Promulgation. I call these the three P’s of government.

We worked though the three P’s as a team and now the community has a wonderful gem to share with others and attract visitors to our town and county.

Happy Holidays,

Hon. Randolph S. Voller
Pittsboro, NC 27312