Some people would say Ms. Hales is lying for political advantage

Date: Sun, 23 Jun 2013 20:47:08 -0400
From: Rich Felch
Subject: Response to Diana Hales Bd. of Commissioners 6/17/2013 take on 6/20/2013.

Ms. Hales describes how the nominations for the EDC occurred and wrote, quote:

“Bock said he *couldn’t vote for an artist*,”

Notice the use of stars in her summary instead of the traditional quotation marks. I believe Ms. Hales uses this notation purposely when attributing a quote to someone that did not occur. Because when I read this I thought
that this quote does not sound like something Brian Bock would say. It was Brian Bock who challenged each commissioner to match his personal donation to the Chatham Arts Council of $200 and raised $1000 for artist in one meeting.

Well I thank the republican majority for fulfilling one of their campaign promises to video record all of their meeting. I listened to the whole meeting and Commissioner Bock absolutely did NOT say these words. Not everyone will want to listen to the whole meeting but if you go to: skip ahead to the EDC discussion at 37 minutes of the recording you will NEVER hear those words come from Commissioner Bock’s mouth.

Some people would say Ms. Hales is lying for political advantage. But I do not believe this is the case. See Ms. Hales obviously possesses the gift that only the truly liberal of the liberal have. These people do not need to listen to a republican’s words. While the republican is speaking, these people are able to go into a trance. While in this trance they are able to connect their minds with the republican mind without the republican knowing it and actually translate the republican’s words into true liberal speak. I for one would not want to play poker with Ms. Hales, I wouldn’t stand a chance against this gift. Ms. Hales, you are entitled to your opinion but you are not entitled to your own facts.

Rich Felch