Setting the record straight; making up quotes out of thin air isn’t acceptable

Date: Sun, 23 Jun 2013 22:53:52 +0000
From: Brian Bock
Subject: Setting the record straight

The summary of the June 17th Chatham County BOC written by Diana Hales ventures into the genre of fiction and misinforms rather than informs.   In summarizing the discussion of a particular nominee  to the Economic Development Corporation, Ms. Hales says “Bock said he *couldn’t vote for an artist*, so he voted against. . . “.  The quote is a complete fabrication and has no basis in reality.

Ms. Hales has decided to summarize the BOC meetings with her party’s political spin on it, and that’s fine, but making up quotes out of thin air isn’t acceptable. Fortunately, we now record all of our meetings on video and they can be viewed by anyone who wishes to get an unfiltered account of  what was said.

Copies of that summary have been posted on both local democratic websites; the official democratic page and their newly created connect chatham site.  On Thursday, I sent a copy of the video link to the chair of the democratic party and asked that she review the video and remove the portion of the summary that is demonstrably untrue.  Unfortunately,  she has chosen to remove the quotation marks from both sites but leave the statement, knowing it to be false.

For a more complete explanation of how the appointments were made, please visit my website: or watch the video at:

The discussion regarding EDC appointments can be found starting at about the 13.5 minute mark through the 50 minute mark on section II of the regular session.


Brian Bock
Chatham County Commissioner