Date: Tue, 4 Jun 2013 09:27:07 -0400 From: MarkBeth Morton Subject: Subject: diesel repair Karen: Brian Daugherty has a diesel mechanic shop across from Northwood on the right going to Chapel Hill where the old gas company was.  He is an excellent mechanic from what we have heard and youContinue Reading

Date: Wed, 05 Jun 2013 10:27:29 -0400 From: Karen Crowell Subject: for the record Michael Kirkman wrote “Chatham Chatlist #4663It amazes me how conservatives always sidestep the issues by throwing out figures to me that I do not believe.  I would become a believer if  Ms. Karen could provide meContinue Reading

Date: Wed, 5 Jun 2013 13:32:21 -0400 From: “Michael Kirkman” Subject: Re: Chatham Chatlist #4665 Chatham Chatlist #4665 Thank you Donna and Gene for answering some of my questions concerning a recent post by Ms. Karen. At this point it doesn’t matter, but it would be interesting to see  aContinue Reading

Date: Wed, 5 Jun 2013 08:08:22 -0400 From: “Kathy Hotelling” Subject: Obesity From Eat Smart Move More North Carolina: *    In North Carolina, two-thirds of all adults (65.7%) are overweight or obese *    North Carolina ranks 5th worst in the US for childhood obesity *    Four of the leading 10Continue Reading

Date: Mon, 17 Jun 2013 16:59:32 -0400 From: “Tom Glendinning” Subject: Chatlist #4675 The argument posted by Mr. Page appears to ignore the situation and the history of environmental regulation. As stated, the model environmental laws passed under Hunt, early 1980’s, were not backed by budget to effectively manage enforcementContinue Reading

Date: Mon, 17 Jun 2013 13:26:15 +0000 From: Michael Zelek Subject: Active Chatham Grant Available Active Chatham, a community coalition that advocates for physical activity in Chatham County, is currently accepting grant applications for projects that increase access to physical activity opportunities in the county. These funds were raised fromContinue Reading