Date: Thu, 15 Jan 2009 13:29:08 -0500 (EST) From: Robin Luker Subject: Quick Change Oil & Lube I just wanted to tell everyone about the great service I received at the Quick Change Oil and Lube on 15-501 South and 902. There is a new owner there who has droppedContinue Reading

Date: Thu, 15 Jan 2009 12:14:09 -0500 From: Barbara Lorie Subject: swap shop in recycling centers The following is a letter I sent to named persons concerning the Swap Shop in our recycling centers. Please know that Tom Vanderbeck is our representative on the Board for this committee. Please attendContinue Reading

Date: Thu, 15 Jan 2009 11:55:58 -0800 From: Tom Glendinning Subject: Subject: Arborist Diane,        Try the link below for the American Society of Consulting Arborists.  There is a finder function on that page and five members in NC, two in Pittsboro area.  Otherwise, call a tree service.Continue Reading

Date: Thu, 15 Jan 2009 07:25:36 -0500 From: Brenda Denzler Subject: Our County Commissioners Rock–or Off Their Rockers? You may be proud, Ann, but I am disappointed.  The very definition of discrimination is to apply different standards to people based on irrelevant factors such as their race, ethnicity, gender, etc.Continue Reading

Date: Thu, 15 Jan 2009 07:07:21 -0500 From: Brenda Denzler Subject: Arborist for your trees Diane, I heartily recommend Chad Phillips of Total Land Care.  His number is 336-328-1094. Chad is a Certified Arborist…and it shows.  He has a great deal of knowledge about how to care for trees–anything fromContinue Reading

Date: Wed, 14 Jan 2009 09:04:09 -0500 From: Al Cooke Subject: Arborist Re:   Arborist How to find one. First note that there are no legal standards for who can do tree work in North Carolina.  Select carefully.  I have a link to “How to Hire a Tree Service” onContinue Reading

Date: Wed, 14 Jan 2009 07:21:14 -0500 From: jan Subject: The Travelers? I just wanted to advise everyone to check out references for handymen/painters carefully, especially those who just stop by. Yesterday a man drove up in a nice pick-up truck and wanted to paint our barn roof.  I wasContinue Reading

Date: Tue, 13 Jan 2009 19:03:57 -0500 From: Ann H. Deupree Subject: Our County Commissioners Rock From today’s N&O updates: Chatham rejects immigration program By From Staff Reports Chatham County officials say they oppose participating in a federal program that would allow local law enforcement officers to enforce federal immigrationContinue Reading

Date: Tue, 13 Jan 2009 17:12:10 EST From: Bprentice Subject: RJR Auto I second the motion that Tom Crowe raised in recommending Bob  Burnett’s auto repair business (RPJ Auto Repair 919-799-1477, Bob came out to my house and got my tired ole Massey  Fergusen tractor up and running inContinue Reading

Date: Tue, 13 Jan 2009 14:29:17 -0500 From: Deanne Jones Subject: Greetings from your new neighbor. Greetings from your new neighbor.  Dr. Sidharth Bansal has opened a new Dental Practice at 120 Lowes Dr. Suite 106 in Pittsboro.  My name is Deanne Jones I will be working for Dr. BansalContinue Reading

Date: Tue, 13 Jan 2009 13:00:53 -0500 From: Reckless, Monica Subject: eBay Services & More…Quick Cash In response to the recent post asking for the names of people who will sell your items on eBay, allow me to introduce myself and give a brief description of the services my partnerContinue Reading

Date: Tue, 13 Jan 2009 07:08:51 -0500 From: Brenda Denzler Subject: Thanks for the star To the folks who live on SR 1010, on the Pittsboro side of the Rocky River: Thanks for the star you have on the end of your barn and light up every Christmas season.  I’veContinue Reading