Chatham Fuel Depo

Kara Dudley Thanks for confirming County has a fuel depo facility and the conservation internally to county use and advice for county residents. Could our County check in with Meals on Wheels programs volunteers if they need fuel to deliver meals and social contact with our seniors and others withContinue Reading

More delivery shortfalls

Date: Wed, 2 Dec 2020 15:45:30 -0500From: “Steven Rogat” Subject: Packages at Mailbox Packages were left for us TWICE in two weeks by FedEx at the street instead of at our door. The first was an expensive bottle of medicine which was left in our mailbox. The second was aContinue Reading

Date: Wed, 8 Jan 2020 16:05:45 +0000 (UTC) From: deloispopp Subject: Pittsboro Post Office Personnel I needed to call the USPO in Pittsboro to help me trace down a questionable  unauthorized charge on my credit card.  In the process of looking for their number on the internet, I ran across aContinue Reading

Date: Fri, 18 Nov 2016 12:22:33 -0500 (EST) From: sazimmerman Subject: Postal Service job officer closes Nov 23 Bear Creek hiring Rural Carrier Associate. MUST have a vehicle that gives driver the ability to slide to the right to deliver mail. Pay $17/hr plus equipment maintenance allowance per mile. CallContinue Reading