In regards to ‘smart meters, be aware that many people and pets suffer from unexplained symptoms that those in power are trying to suppress. Know your rights, get educated, take notes, stand your ground. The pro-smart meter propaganda is staggering. “Stop OC Smart Meters”, “Stop Smart Meters North Carolina”, “NoContinue Reading

I just had my smart meter installed and I see obvious advantages.  No longer does someone have to come to read my meter and find my gate locked.  Duke Energy will be able to tell if I have lossed power and if it has been restored.  I am supposed toContinue Reading

I noticed at the end of Christopher Havel’s post regarding his mom’s electric bill that he mentioned “smart meters”. A few weeks ago while I was at the grocery store I got a notification on my phone. It was from my security camera telling me that someone was at myContinue Reading