Delays on construction for new Disney Asteria community coming to Chatham

PITTSBORO, N.C. (WNCN) — After nearly a year since Disney announced plans to build a residential and entertainment club community in Chatham County, no ground has been broken to begin construction. However, anticipation and anxiety continue to build surrounding the project Story LINK From: GGalin Sent: Monday, October 21, 2024Continue Reading

Is Disney’s Asteria just the next creepy town?

Hello, Chatters— Regarding Mr. Galin’s “What should we expect at Disney’s Asteria?” Well, I suggest you watch the short video, “Celebration Florida: The Creepy Town Disney Built” to get a good idea. Think of Disneyland turning into a “Nightmare on Elm Street.” Common Sense Carl From: Sent: Thursday, December 28,Continue Reading

Disney homes in Pittsboro?

I still wonder where they will be getting their water. Where is wolf speed  getting their water. Deep drilling which would affect wells in western Chatham? Why hasnt there been regulations for the GenX type chemicals that western Chatham is now polluted with? Seems a lot has been ‘over looked’Continue Reading

The buzz surrounding Disney’s Asteria

Chatham County, particularly the town of Pittsboro, finds itself on the brink of a significant transformation with the recent announcement of Disney’s plan to establish the Asteria residential community within the parameters of Chatham Park. I sat down with Eric Andrews of Realty World to see if he could shedContinue Reading

Date: Wed, 4 Jun 2008 11:22:37 -0400 From: Dan Marley Subject: Tourism and Taxes and McD’s Enjoyed the post about us Chathamites needing tourism tax dollars. We certainly do, but we rarely get any. Jordan Lake only gets us Gas Tax and some snack taxes. Does Pittsboro even have aContinue Reading