Disney homes in Pittsboro?

Disney homes in Pittsboro?

I still wonder where they will be getting their water. Where is wolf speed  getting their water. Deep drilling which would affect wells in western Chatham?

Why hasnt there been regulations for the GenX type chemicals that western Chatham is now polluted with?

Seems a lot has been ‘over looked’ by those in charge of protecting the chatham county residents already living here before the influx of developments and industry into a agriculture zoned part of western chatham.

I was informed my farm was newly zoned residential from agricultural.  Never was given a clue that it was about to or considered . Aren’t the land owners informed that there was a zoning change even being considered?

No signs nor notifications I ever saw. Will this be used to take down farms?

From: carole henry
Sent: Sunday, December 31, 2023 at 03:14:30 AM EST
Subject: Disney homes