Date: Wed, 17 Aug 2011 11:54:57 -0400 From: John Sauls <> Subject: $5 Rabies Vaccination Clinic Chatham County Animal Control sponsors our quarterly $5 rabies vaccination clinic this Saturday, August 20, from 9 am ‘til 1 pm at TRACTOR SUPPLY IN SILER CITY. Dogs on leashes and cats in carriers.Continue Reading

Date: Fri, 19 Mar 2010 12:58:22 -0400 From: Marissa Jelks Subject: Chatham County Animal Control Chatham County Animal Control has a website at I hope you find the information on the site helpful as you consider animal issues. We  continue to update the site to provide relevant information andContinue Reading

Date: Wed, 10 Sep 2008 19:27:39 -0400 From: jeanne fort Subject: Bad Dogs Please tell me you contacted the Chatham County Animal Control. anytime you are in contact with a vicious animal you need to contact the Chatham County Animal Control. if it occurs while you are a witness pleaseContinue Reading