Is Disney’s Asteria just the next creepy town?

Hello, Chatters— Regarding Mr. Galin’s “What should we expect at Disney’s Asteria?” Well, I suggest you watch the short video, “Celebration Florida: The Creepy Town Disney Built” to get a good idea. Think of Disneyland turning into a “Nightmare on Elm Street.” Common Sense Carl From:  Sent: Thursday, December 28,Continue Reading

How about “Keep Calm and Carry On”?

Following my post providing info on 2024 decals, I received 3 reactions, the first a long string of HAHAHAHAs, the second a gracious thank you followed by a statement of distaste for the last sentence (the admonition to “Get over yourselves”), and the third an indignant threat to “reply inContinue Reading

Haw River Christian Academy Junior Kindergarten and Kindergarten Info Session on February 8

Come see what HRCA is all about!Junior Kindergarten and Kindergarten parents are invited to an info session on February 8th from 4:00-5:00 PM. Learn about the programs, meet the teachers and administrative staff, ask questions, and see what makes Haw River Christian Academy a great choice for your children!www.hawriverchristian.orgCall: (919)Continue Reading

Disney homes in Pittsboro?

I still wonder where they will be getting their water. Where is wolf speed  getting their water. Deep drilling which would affect wells in western Chatham? Why hasnt there been regulations for the GenX type chemicals that western Chatham is now polluted with? Seems a lot has been ‘over looked’Continue Reading

Do you want to Euchre?

Do you want to Euchre? Join a group of fun loving game players. Monday’s at 6 p.m. at BMC Brewing located in the Lorax. IT IS FREE. We start at 6 p.m. and play until around 7:15 p.m. You don’t need a partner or be an expert. We will teachContinue Reading

Thrilled about free Zoom classes on avoiding tobacco

So thrilled that the Health Dept. is offering free Zoom classes on avoiding tobacco. Hope and expect that they will include vaping too. Please avail yourself of this opportunity. Meanwhile and during, add a $10 “How To Be A Happy Former Smoker” Amazon kindle or paperback if you can readContinue Reading

The buzz surrounding Disney’s Asteria

Chatham County, particularly the town of Pittsboro, finds itself on the brink of a significant transformation with the recent announcement of Disney’s plan to establish the Asteria residential community within the parameters of Chatham Park. I sat down with Eric Andrews of Realty World to see if he could shedContinue Reading

Join Some Pop-Up Caroling on December 18 & 19

After last Sunday’s storm literally rained on our parade, Chatham Community Church had a fantastic float but no place to float it. So thanks to some local community partners, we’re going to turn lemons into lemonade. We’ll be doing pop-up, flash-mob style caroling with our float and anyone and everyoneContinue Reading

Chatham Literacy is seeking volunteers to serve as instructors

Hello Chatham chatlisters! Are you looking for a meaningful volunteer experience?  We got you covered! Chatham Literacy is seeking volunteers to serve as instructors (to adults 18+ years old) for: reading, writing and math;  English for Speakers of Other Languages;  Citizenship Preparation;  Financial Literacy basics; and  Spanish Literacy (would needContinue Reading

This week’s Chatham NC Sports Roundup summary – 12.13.23

Available on Youtube – Also on Facebook & Twitter Here’s a summary of Wednesday Chatham NC Sports Roundup. Asheebo Rojas and Gene Galin host the Chatham NC Sports Roundup weekly on Wednesdays.  Asheebo covers high school wrestling and indoor track news.  Basketball Roundup includes power rankings, scores, and highlights.Continue Reading

Here’s a summary of Wednesday’s Chatham NC Sports Update You can watch or listen to the Update at  Last week’s high school wrestling results: Jordan Matthews lost to Graham 30-39 and North Moore 24-54. Seaforth dominated, beating Northwood 62-2 and Southeast Alamance 84-0. Chatham Central lost to Bartley Yancey 21-48.Continue Reading