Why all the dead finches?

Several Chatham Chatlist members posted this morning about the query concerning the amount of dead finches spotted – Date: Tue, 30 Mar 2021 12:34:24 +0000 (UTC)From: Audrey Joy Subject: dead birds Although I personally have not found any dead birds, there does seem to be an outbreak of salmonellosis inContinue Reading

Free Pet Food

We often get donations of pet food from owners whose pet’s have passed or don’t like a food they bought. We always try to donate to a rescue, but realize that there are often individual pet owners in need. If you, or someone you know,  need pet food please contactContinue Reading

Took my puppy for another training session on Tuesday. He’s doing well. I’m learning that I need to be repetitive with him. I’m learning that I need to be repetitive with him. At this last session I brought up what to do with my puppy on days it’s too rainyContinue Reading

Pittsboro Animal Hospital offering Wellness Center focused on Complementary Medicine and Rehabilitation for dogs and cats.

Dear Chatham county Pet owners, We have some exciting changes coming to Pittsboro Animal Hospital in 2021! Starting January 1, 2021 we will no longer be offering Overnight Resort Boarding for dogs.  While we have thoroughly enjoyed caring for your dogs while you are away for the past 15 years,Continue Reading

Looking for a golden retriever puppy dog for after the Holidays

From: Dave Cohen Sent: Wednesday, December 23, 2020, 02:20:30 PM ESTSubject: Re: Looking for a golden retriever puppy dog for after the Holidays Gene – My 4 cents worth (2 thoughts): – Check with Neuse River Golden Retriever Rescue – Watch what you limit yourself to. I lost a much loved golden retriever Continue Reading

CARE (Chatham Animal Rescue and Education) is offering FREE spay and neuter surgeries for Pit Bulls or Pit Bull mixes through its Be Responsi-Bull campaign through December 31, 2020. The free spay or neuter surgeries include rabies and distemper vaccines, pain medication and microchipping (optional). Be Responsi-Bull is available toContinue Reading

We need a bamboo eating Panda bear!

We need a Panda bear! Plenty of bamboo in Love’s Creek Watershed in Siler City. There is a bountiful attack stand behind my former office building and over into Dr. Schwankle’s. Another stand over on 4th St.  Sounds like another source in Pittsboro. Maybe Neha Shah can arrange help fromContinue Reading