Square dancing lessons each Tuesday from November 7 to December 5

Square dancing lessons each Tuesday from November 7 to December 5

Are you interested in learning how to square dance? Here’s your opportunity!

Aging Services, in partnership with Chatham County Parks and Recreation, will hold square dancing lessons each Tuesday from November 7-December 5 from 2-4:30 p.m. at the Pittsboro Center for Active Living.

The cost is $50 for the 5-week session and registration ends Friday, November 3.

To register online, visit ccparksandrec.recdesk.com.

For program questions, call Call: 919-542-4512 and for registration questions, call 919-545-8555

Jimmy Lewis
Grants and Communications Specialist
Chatham County Aging Services
P.O. Box 715
365 Highway 87 N
Pittsboro, NC 27312
Office – (919) – 542 – 4512 x229
Cell – (252) – 414 – 5392
Email – jimmy.lewis@chathamcountync.gov

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