Woods Charter School offering in-class portion of Driver’s Ed over Christmas Break

We welcome students from ALL schools to attend this course.  Visit the Woods Fall Wonders website at woodsfwswonders.com/ for more information and to register.  Students must be 14-1/2 by December 20th to attend.  The six hours of in-car instruction will be scheduled following the class.  Contact akaiyala@woodscharter.org for more information.Continue Reading

Square dancing lessons each Tuesday from November 7 to December 5

Are you interested in learning how to square dance? Here’s your opportunity! Aging Services, in partnership with Chatham County Parks and Recreation, will hold square dancing lessons each Tuesday from November 7-December 5 from 2-4:30 p.m. at the Pittsboro Center for Active Living. The cost is $50 for the 5-weekContinue Reading