Vicious dogs on Stage Coach Rd

Regarding the dogs on Stage Coach Road; I live in the area and these dogs have been a menace to everyone near them. They have killed at least one pet dog, 2 pet cats, and some chickens…and that’s only what we know of. Although I can appreciate sympathy for the dogs, in this situation I refuse to subscribe to the belief that I have to be a dog expert in order to go out in my yard and enjoy my property.  It’s completely out of hand at this point and something needs to be done. The owners are not cooperative and don’t answer the door when the Animal Control/Sheriff’s department goes to confront them with complaints about their dogs. Also, the community has been calling the Sheriff’s department because that IS the animal control in Chatham County. I know they had a court date in July regarding these dogs terrorizing the neighborhood, and here we are in August with the same issues.

I think we all would welcome anyone who would step forward as a dog expert and help with this situation, barring that, I have to agree with dreadpiratejeff.

From: Wanita Latta
Sent: Thursday, August 11, 2022 at 05:21:47 PM EDT
Subject: Vicious dogs on Stage Coach Rd