Going from here to there

 I know a lot of folks who read the Chatlist have moved from somewhere else to here. I have been in the same place almost 58 years on the same property.  In the last few years I have watched my elders slowly pass away and now I have almost no one left inContinue Reading

Chatham CERT (Community Emergency Response Team) Meeting on May 7

Our next Chatham CERT meeting will be May 7, 2022 beginning at 11AM with some introductory information and then lunch (we’ll provide lunch). There will be several ‘stations’ of information and hands-on training including demonstrations of amateur (ham) radio and a look at the new CERT gear trailer. Plan onContinue Reading

Please be supportive, not critical of teachers

Please be supportive, not critical. Teachers and families have a hard enough road to ride without criticism from folks who don’t know enough about the situation. Sadly there are MANY children with undiagnosed behavioral/developmental issues. Teachers and families are often at a loss as to how to help these kids in and out ofContinue Reading

CORA cancels Empty Bowls

In the fall, when we announced that CORA would be hosting Empty Bowls in the spring, we didn’t yet know about the Omicron variant of COVID-19. Unfortunately, concerns about the virus and its effect on many aspects of our daily lives are ongoing. Empty Bowls has become a favorite community event, and althoughContinue Reading