e-Learning Development Teacher Professional Development at CCCC

e-Learning Development Teacher Professional Development at CCCC

As our hopes for returning to a new normal are being battered around by the continuing viral pandemic (and the new strains) many schools that have reopened for the fall are now looking at having to move back to a virtual learning environment.

If you are a teacher wanting to develop skills for creating online course content and learn how to support and better engage your students in online classes, then e-Learning Development is ideal for you!

* Using the Quality Matters Standards (QMT) of best practices in effective online course design, delivery, teaching, and learning, this QMT-certified course prepares instructors to design and deliver online educational content. Topics covered in this course include communication, interaction (student-to-student, student-to-instructor, and student-content), course technology, learner support, and accessibility (Universal Design for Learning). This is a QMT certified course; no participant credential or certification is associated with this course. Completers will receive a CCCC Certificate of Completion.*

This is an 8-week, self-paced, self-study course that is now open for enrollment.

The course will *start September 13* and *end November 8*.

Seating is limited and only 15 of 20 seats remain!

The cost is only $126.60.

If you would like more information or wish to enroll please visit our online schedule at cccc.edu/ecd/find-classes.

Questions about course content and/or structure may be directed to the course facilitator, Dr. Carmen Wade at cwade@cccc.edu.

*Thank you,*
*Latoya R Brower, MBA*
Director/Instructor, Essential Career & Employability Skills (ECES-HRD)
Continuing Education Scholarship Coordinator
Defensive Driving Instructor
ed2go Interim- Program Administrator
*Office Phone#* 919-718-7073
*Work Mobile# *919-704-0446

*Summer Office Hours*: Monday – Thursday 8 a.m. to 5:30 p.m.
                                    Friday – Closed
*Spring/Fall Office Hours:* Monday – Thursday 8:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m.
                                        Friday  8:00 a.m. – 3:30 p.m.

To see the latest information on the college’s COVID policies and plans, please visit cccc.edu/covid/spring-2021/

*Email correspondence to and from this address may be subject to the North Carolina Public Records Law and shall be disclosed to third parties when required by the statutes. (NCGS.Ch. 132)*

Date: Thu, 9 Sep 2021 11:35:24 -0400
From: Latoya Brower
Subject: e-Learning Development Teacher Professional Development