I went back to Consumer Cellular for the best coverage and price (for me). ” In the United States, Consumer Cellular utilizes *AT&T* and *T-Mobile* for their primary *nationwide* wireless networks. In addition to these primary networks, Consumer Cellular also says they engage third party providers to help fill inContinue Reading

See Page 7 of this recent County Health Report:https://www.chathamnc.org/home/showdocument?id=52233 See the “source” graph it was CHOPPED out of:http://douglassedlak.com/UnDoctored_ChathamCounty_Youth_Data.jpg Notice anything? Black students were INTENTIONALLY deleted from the original US Government supplied YRBS graph. Black students have better health data.  Meaning Black families are doing a nice job bringing up well adjustedContinue Reading

If money is your only problem, you are rich in many other ways

Subject: Re: Faith, Family, Schools, Jobs, Success! (Chatlist 6818)Hi Jimmy,In your speech, you mentioned that “if money is your issue, adopt the attitude that, ‘being broke is temporary, being “poor” is a state of mind.’” I would like to know what you will do if elected to support affordable housing,Continue Reading

I had my home power washed after reading a recommendation from the Yoga Garden in Pittsboro. I had been postponing having it done for way too long to the point of being embarrassed if someone knocked on my door.  I immediately called the number listed and all I can sayContinue Reading

N. A. Booko’s squash was hilarious!

Lots of fun things going on Thursday. N. A. Booko’s squash was hilarious! And the new Thales Academy sounds like a wonderful year around school and love their way to grow, assuming adding a 5th grade for their 4th graders to stay at the same school and each year (orContinue Reading