Chatham County News Tweets: 2020-11-23 – 2020-11-29
2020-11-23 – 2020-11-29Continue Reading
2020-11-23 – 2020-11-29Continue Reading
It’s pretty easy to look up voter registrations online at the NC state elections website. According to the voter registration data, there are two Michael Youngs registered as Democrats in Chatham County and while birthdate is not publicly available in the voter website, taking their full names and addresses andContinue Reading
I’m writing in response to Mr. Gastwaite’s claims of a 115 year old Democratic voter here in Chatham: Congratulations to the oldest voter in Chatham County during the recent> elections: Mr. Michael Young, who will be 115 years old at the end of this> year.> He voted absentee as aContinue Reading
In chatlist #6839, Raymond Gastwaite wrote about a voter who was born in 1905 according to the voter information data and then asked: > Does this give you confidence in the integrity of our recent elections? It’s very easy to type “1905” when you intended to write “1950.” Having smallContinue Reading
I see where Butch has pulled out the “racist” card on Doug with his email communications (racist moron Trumpkin…….. and hard to cuddle with that white sheet on…..). It might serve Butch to do a bit of research regarding the history of the KKK (his reference to the white sheet)Continue Reading
I’m not sure what Mr.Gastwaite is trying to imply re: his post regarding the oldest voter in Chatham County, but it has an unpleasant odor to it. Date: Sat, 7 Nov 2020 14:52:14 -0500From: SueSubject: Raymond Gastwaite’s postContinue Reading
Congratulations to the oldest voter in Chatham County during the recent elections: Mr. Michael Young, who will be 115 years old at the end of this year. He voted absentee as a Democrat during the 2020 early voting period. As there are only two verified 115-year-olds according to wikipedia whoContinue Reading
I stopped by to see Greg Lewis unannounced at Chatham Mills to see if I could get a quick video interview of his new restaurant venture. Despite the fact that he was getting ready to head out the door to do a catering gig, he gave me a quick whirlwindContinue Reading
Chatham County, NC – Neighbors and friends came out on Wednesday afternoon to celebrate World War II Navy veteran, Sam Greco’s 95th birthday. A special surprise for Sam was when three sailors arrived at his home for the celebration. The sailors, assigned to the Navy Talent Acquisition Group Carolina, sangContinue Reading
I want to thank the citizens of Chatham County for the opportunity to participate in this year’s election as a candidate for the Board of Education. Although my bid was not successful, it was an honor to be part of this key element of our constitutional Republic. I wouldContinue Reading
Separating Ourselves We’ve separated ourselves into blue and redDivided ourselves by cities, states, and countriesLosing our thread of humanity Our quest for individualismhas left no room for the whole Separated from each otherand separated from ourselves For as long as we forget WEWe have forgotten ME A father, a mother,Continue Reading
2020-11-16 – 2020-11-22Continue Reading
There will be no scheduled CERT meetings in November and December due to the holiday season. Our next meeting is planned for January 27, 2021 at 6pm. Please let us know if you have a special topic of interest, or if you are or know of a subject matter expertContinue Reading
If you or anyone you know is interested in volunteering for a worthy cause, please come by (2535 Old Hwy 421 S or call (919-742-3111) the Pantry. We are in need of volunteers to help with food items that come in during Monday, Wednesday and Friday mornings from around 9:00Continue Reading
At CORA, keeping our clients, volunteers, and staff healthy is our top priority. Out of an abundance of caution, clients will no longer be allowed to enter the Pantry to shop for groceries. Client intake will take place outdoors and clients will receive their groceries in their car. CORA isContinue Reading
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