To Reply to some of Raymond Gastwaite’s comments: It is now pretty clear what the protesters want: equal treatment under the law for African Americans. And they agree with Mr. Gastwaite that police forces are over-armed and there are too many police and quasi-police organizations. One major problem Democrats haveContinue Reading

Debate over the efficacy of wearing a mask.

Date: Thu, 14 May 2020 11:00:49 -0400From: Brian Tarkowski Subject: Re: Masking stupidity 1st off, the chance of catching Covid19 when outside is not zero and there is debate over the efficacy of wearing a mask. But that misses the bigger point. These are difficult times. People are trying toContinue Reading

Think of masks as the latest fashion accessory

Jay, with all due respect, an individual’s decision to mask when engaged in solo pursuits is a personal one. Surely you wouldn’t call a person’s choice to wear underwear, pants, shoes, etc if he or she was jogging alone or in his or her car alone “stupid.” I also considerContinue Reading

Seems to me we need to trust our civic leaders to maintain safety and justice; we entrust our leaders, including our lawmen, to adhere to the Constitution and administer equal justice under the law. It’s more than the police; we hope for the best from our local, state, and federalContinue Reading

gee, for someone who doesn’t hesitate to name names, where is your name?As for the rest of your post and Mr. Gastwaite’s response, I stand by my post.BTW, when asking a question, you should be succinct enough for us not not have to de-code it.this was the original question;” WhatContinue Reading

Cheers to Chatham County and everyone in it!

I am enjoying the lively and relatively civil debate on the Chatlist lately. It is wonderful to see people exercising their freedom of speech to put ideas through intellectual rigor and discard the bad ideas that can’t withstand challenges. I appreciate our fundamental rights and how Chatham County and theContinue Reading

Chatham Corona Journal #9

5/6/2020 #9 I mourn those I do not know; those who don’t know me at the Texas border, men, women, children. How about those Angelians in my home town or the folks in the Laurels here in Pittsboro. Is there any stranger when grief surrounds us and defines us? SomeContinue Reading