Cheers to Chatham County and everyone in it!

I am enjoying the lively and relatively civil debate on the Chatlist lately. It is wonderful to see people exercising their freedom of speech to put ideas through intellectual rigor and discard the bad ideas that can’t withstand challenges. I appreciate our fundamental rights and how Chatham County and the Chatlist crowd have set an excellent example of the proper way to exercise those rights while respecting those same rights held by others with whom they disagree. Though some biting words have been exchanged, they have been handled well. I have not seen the usual wave of seemingly yearly demands of Gene Galin to silence people (generally the anonymous or pseudonymous posters) that disagree, and that is a refreshing change.

Cheers to Chatham County. This is a great place to be, especially as we watch big cities burn around us and as we try more than ever before hide our fear of the uncertainty of our collective future.

Be excellent to each other!

Jody @ Tritech

Date: Wed, 10 Jun 2020 14:56:52 -0400
From: Tritech – Jody
Subject: Cheers to Chatham County and everyone in it!