Was awake until 3 last night, so I was sleeping soundly when i heard the heavy rumble of a heavy truck engine outside my bathroom window about 9 AM. The right knee hurt as I struggle to look out to see the gravel truck, so I grabbed my cane as I pulled onContinue Reading

I can’t recall just when we first got together, but I know it has been years. You were new to the area and I was familiar with the territory already. We hit it off right away- you were comfortable to be with. A good fit. No, we didn’t do those milesContinue Reading

Brad Page’s Corona Journal – 13

#13 Wisdom is a hard idea to understand which sounds silly when I say it. In our Rinzai Zen tradition its realization comes in the first moment of the first meditation. It’s a kind of “Whoa, stop, slowdown” notion that develops from a regular practice of various kinds of meditation. Continue Reading

The past few days have been spent shifting and sorting all my potted shrubs. Over the years, the pots get mixed up and the name tags fade and I can’t tell which is Which- Now, with concentrated efforts, all the blue lace caps are in one row. The pink inContinue Reading

More Positivity

Thank you Cindy Perry for your wonderful post reflecting on positive things that have come from the recent turn of events. She brought to light many things to be thankful for, and invited us all to add to her list. I’ve also been reminded of the many positive things inContinue Reading

I’m starting this piece once again – “when I was a child”-  Well, it started when I was just a child in the mid 1940s. I was healthy, but constant skin problems. I was plagued with abscesses and boils. Every time a mosquito bit me, a boil would develop there.Continue Reading