I am a lover of corn bread. Man of man- with greens and buttermilk! For years i tried to mix my own and was never satisfied, but when I started using Tender Bake- it made all the difference.

When I was a child living in Montgomery county- (1940s) my folks always made cornbread in a skillet on top of the stove. Iron skillet with a rounded bottom. Bread was flipped or turned over to brown on each side. It was always white corn meal. Buttermilk, salt, lard and buttermilk- that’s all I remember went into it. There was always a small piece of salt pork fat in the center.
We grew our own corn and had it ground in the ‘roller mill’ in another town. That process died out even before I was grown. My aunt absolutely hated yellow corn. She referred to it ‘that ole’ yaller’ corn. She would do without rather than use it.
I use Tender bake because it is easy. I no longer eat eggs, so I have eliminated those. I use olive oil in the bread and to oil the pan. I use buttermilk when i have it. My old toaster oven would take a standard pie tin, but my most recent toaster oven takes a smaller one. I had to find an aluminum pan that fits- and I am happy with that. It makes a thicker, easier to slice bread.
To get the old fashioned texture and taste, I buy corn grits at Chatham marketplace and mix some of that into the Tender bake. Then I sprinkle some of the corn grits on top so the final thing is nice and crusty.
I most always have cornbread- Especially around my waistline.
N.A. Booko- I am not a fan of prepared foods of any kind . .,. seldom use canned foods. Eat as much fresh veggies as possible. Also eat an avocado every day- if they are $1.00 or under. The more expensive they are, I eat a half or fourth.
Date: Tue, 28 Apr 2020 17:19:16 -0400
From: “N.A. Booko”
Subject: Cornbread in the toaster oven . . .