Mask up for your fellow citizens

Mask up for your fellow citizens

I am disappointed by the negative reaction of some to wearing masks for prevention of Covid-19 spread.

Here are a few facts:

* The preponderance of evidence, including from experts at the CDC (see link below) and other countries, show that mask wearing prevents a lot of virus spread, especially since someone may not have any symptoms yet and therefore realize they are contagious;
* Wearing a mask is an inconvenience and pain, but by choosing to you show others nearby that you care more about spreading a potentially deadly disease to them, their families and health care workers than temporary personal aggravation – and vice versa.  Many employees, including doctors, nurses and other health care employees have to wear a mask virtually their whole shift;
* Just because some people wear a mask incorrectly has nothing to do with its importance to use until a safe vaccine, and hopefully effective treatment, are discovered;
* By not wearing a mask near other people as a form of political or other protest of current rules, you are not helping your cause – the more people infected, the more likely we’ll have to close up again;
* While a large percentage of individuals getting the virus do not die, Covid-19 can be very unpleasant, and we don’t know what lung or other organ damage will reappear in the future.  There was a healthy NYC journalist on TV in her 30s who normally walked 12 miles and ran 3 miles a day.  After getting Covid and spending weeks in the hospital, she has trouble walking a few blocks.  Anyone out there who has had severe bronchitis or pneumonia knows the agony of not being able to breathe.  

Individual choices in the marketplace can help.  For example, I wouldn’t patronize a restaurant where the staff did not wear masks.

Fortunately, the vast majority of citizens understand this virus is serious and the importance of being extra cautious.

CDC continues to study the spread and effects of the novel coronavirus across the United States.  We now know from <> recent studies that a significant portion of individuals with coronavirus lack symptoms (“asymptomatic”) and that even those who eventually develop symptoms (“pre-symptomatic”) can transmit the virus to others before showing symptoms.  This means that the virus can spread between people interacting in close proximity-for example, speaking, coughing, or sneezing-even if those people are not exhibiting symptoms.  In light of this new evidence, CDC recommends wearing cloth face coverings in public settings where other social distancing measures are difficult to maintain (e.g., grocery stores and pharmacies) especially in areas of significant community-based transmission.

Bert Bowe

Pittsboro, NC

Date: Thu, 21 May 2020 13:50:16 -0400
From: bertbowe
Subject: Mask up for your fellow citizens