Taylor Kish and Laurels of Chatham

Date: Thu, 21 May 2020 14:13:35 +0000 (UTC)
From: deloispopp
Subject: Taylor Kish and Laurals of Chatham

—–Original Message—–
To: chatl\
Sent: Thu, May 21, 2020 10:10 am
Subject: Taylor Kish and Laurals of Chatham

Kish apparently tried to reply to my post asking questions about the cases reported at Laurals nursing facility.  I quite frankly did not need all of her information regarding the protocol for nurses, doctors at Laurals.  My mother was a resident there for 13 years… and I worked in the medical field for over 40 years… so my knowledge is probably more extensive than his/hers.  It appears to me that the numbers at Laurals are higher than average and has increased considerably after the knowledge of the outbreak became evident.  with so many people on their “death bed” at one time in one facility, I contend that a doctor on premises is a must.  Strict safety protocol is extremely important and PPE is proven to be the solution to help  contain the virus in such an environment, and minimize the spread to healthcare workers and first responders.    My mother was sent to hospital several times from the Laurals for a lot of things that could have been handled in house by those “trained” nurses.  … so my question was/is. ”  did the patient’s/staff die at Laurals or in the hospital” ??? does anyone know.  I guess it is my curiosity asking as I have not heard/seen any information that addresses this.  Thanks..