Date: Sat, 4 Apr 2020 15:45:43 -0400
From: “John Dykers M.D.”
Subject: Re: info about virus
not enough tests. CDC Actually limited testing to the very sick to conserve supply. There were still a lot of tests done with a surprisingly small proportion REPORTED as POS. The reports did not SAY the other tests were NEG???? The great mishandling of this pandemic, unable to monitor it. Hence your friend labeled a presumptive Pos Person Under Investigation.

MANY folks have developed several new tests; All one needs is skills and equipment and a sample of the virus; now there is an viral antigen test from Abbott labs that tells POS in 4 mins and NEG in 15, and I read on AMA News about an even newer version that reads in 3 mins. OK for the ‘drive through’! Now to put them in production and distribute to persons who can take the sample from the nose properly without becoming infected themselves. There has been work on a sample your self test. Don’t know about stool sampling/rectal swabs; actually may be easier.
The next important step is/will be a valid serology test for antibodies to COVID19 and whether those confer immunity to reinfection. We don’t know yet whether those infected can be reinfected; or whether immunity is related in any way to the degree of symptoms or illness? Having a cadre of immune persons to care for the ill would be of enormous value. Hopefully these folks could wear a red badge of courage and circulate freely, doing tasks the susceptible could not safely do. Then there would be hope that a vaccine would be effective.
COVID19 is not a nice house guest. Let’s all combine our skepticism, inquisitiveness, inventiveness, tenacity, courage, civility, and vigor into making this a very hostile environment for COVID19. Medscape right now is engaged in a vigorous analysis about temperature, sunlight and surfaces. Don’t let her into your human cells by any pathway; airborne or door handle; keep our distance and wear a mask to avoid letting her in or out; be mean to COVID19 and love one another.
John Dykers
On 4/4/2020 10:17 AM, Elliot Cramer wrote:
> What do you suppose is going on. Is it just that they don’t have
> enough test?
> Elliot M. Cramer
> On Sat, Apr 4, 2020 at 7:32 AM, Joe Ray’s Roofing wrote:
> Good Morning,
> I didn’t ask if he called but gave him the info. He did call Siler
> City health dept. A nurse called him back and said it sounded like
> he had it , but could not get tested .
> Becky