Date: Wed, 1 Apr 2020 16:27:58 +0000
From: Michael Barnes
Subject: Howard Lively’s Post in Chalist 6663
I want to thank Howard Lively for his post. Here is part of it:
A front line doctor in NYC recent said that 99% of the COVID19 cases can be eliminated with 2 simply rules.
1. Wash your hands frequently

I have tried to emphasize the part about not touching your face time and again among my friends. It is not easy. Here, in case it may be helpful, is what I have done:
1. Behavior modification. I learned to treat the sight of my hand moving toward my face as a cue to stop, take a breath, and move my hand away. It was not easy, since some of the itches, especially about the eyes and nose, seemed absolutely intractable. However, I have learned that if I leave them be they will usually subside on their own within ten seconds or so. I have also learned that they occur less frequently as time goes on, and they are far milder. It is noon as I write this, I have been up since 5:30, and I can’t recall more than about a half dozen instances of itching so far today. I read somewhere that people on average touch their face, usually in response to an itch, 23 times per hour.
2. When first embarking on this project, I washed my face periodically as well, after having washed my hands for greater than the prescribed 20 seconds. I usually went 30 seconds. And when I washed my face I rinsed it thoroughly, paying particular attention to the eyes, nose, and mouth. This seemed to help. I have discontinued the practice since I no longer feel the need to continue it, and because, even with hand washing, I can see how it might be possible to contaminate my face.
3. In addition to not touching my face, I refrain from touching any part of my head, just to better reinforce it.
Also, I might mention that I do have allergies. I am allergic to pollen as well as leaf mold spores. I feel certain at least some of the itches arise from that.
I hope this may be helpful.
Michael Barnes